Back to the Grindstone
After 2 weeks (minus 3 days) of being off my librarian-job, I headed back to work
this week ...the girls were back in school.
I wasn't prepared for it to be such a downer. Going back to work and all...
I knew the girls would be all Oh schools so boring, I'm tired, etc...
But--they really weren't all that.
Myself on the otherhand, had a difficult time getting back into the swing of things.
At first I thought it was just the routine I was having a hard time with, but
really--I'm someone who loves routine...then I realized walking home..its just about the fact of not being home more.
I am resolved in the fact I have to work.
I have since I was 16.
I am a single mom who at this point is not independantly wealthy and considering
I don't play the lottery, I don't see myself in non-working status anytime soon.
Even during my marriage, I worked part-time...partly because it worked perfect with
our schedules, partly because it was encouraged by both family and the wonderful
women I work with. I enjoy work...well I should say, I enjoy work I love to do.
I love being a librarian.
I also love being a yoga teacher.
A new yoga teacher at that.
But, mostly love being a mom and I see the time slipping. My oldest will be 15 this
spring and holy-cow that's crazy.
I've been so fortunate in my life and I have wonderful girls who amaze me...and so
being home with them this past two weeks was such an awesome gift.
On the other hand, I also realize I am someone who has a hard time not working.
I would be doing something.
I would be a full-time yoga teacher.
Maybe I still will be.
And then be home more.
I shouldn't'll all balance out.
this week ...the girls were back in school.
I wasn't prepared for it to be such a downer. Going back to work and all...
I knew the girls would be all Oh schools so boring, I'm tired, etc...
But--they really weren't all that.
Myself on the otherhand, had a difficult time getting back into the swing of things.
At first I thought it was just the routine I was having a hard time with, but
really--I'm someone who loves routine...then I realized walking home..its just about the fact of not being home more.
I am resolved in the fact I have to work.
I have since I was 16.
I am a single mom who at this point is not independantly wealthy and considering
I don't play the lottery, I don't see myself in non-working status anytime soon.
Even during my marriage, I worked part-time...partly because it worked perfect with
our schedules, partly because it was encouraged by both family and the wonderful
women I work with. I enjoy work...well I should say, I enjoy work I love to do.
I love being a librarian.
I also love being a yoga teacher.
A new yoga teacher at that.
But, mostly love being a mom and I see the time slipping. My oldest will be 15 this
spring and holy-cow that's crazy.
I've been so fortunate in my life and I have wonderful girls who amaze me...and so
being home with them this past two weeks was such an awesome gift.
On the other hand, I also realize I am someone who has a hard time not working.
I would be doing something.
I would be a full-time yoga teacher.
Maybe I still will be.
And then be home more.
I shouldn't'll all balance out.