Spring Break

Always amazed what time off does for the mind and the body, I have a hard time believing I've spent the last few days off work and home with my girls during their springbreak.  I am so grateful that I actually
thought ahead to ask off and see that I have to allow myself this break more often.

I feel rested. Blessed that we had a wonderful week, weather and joyfulness in our time together.  I miss all of it.  I'm in a better place than I was a few years ago, but ultimately, I will always love being home with them.  It can be exhausting, but what isn't?  And it goes so quick...I can hardly believe my oldest will be 16 in a month. Wow. And now it's almost like I want to be home more, because I know they're so close to college and just simply becoming beautiful adults. 

Or maybe it's appreciation.  I find appreciation in so much more...I appreciate the fact I was able to be home with them for so many years and we had this very happy life.  I miss it, but I try to be content in this new place. 

It's being.  We "be-ed" this week very well.  We know who we are--individually and as a family.  So everything we did, it was nice...whether it was shopping, cooking, cleaning, yard work, playing...we just were. Are.


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