Mashing the weekend
This weekend there's an amazing workshop at Sri with Katie Silcox, a parayoga teacher. Parayoga follows a tantric background. If I were to be a follower of any "type" of yoga that is out there--para it is. I'm a lover of classical too and have the love of that with Sivananda yoga...anyhow--back to the weekend.
Originally I had only planned to attend this mornings practice because of work yesterday, but as life has it I attended a funeral of my BFF's grandma. This left me open for the evening--so I took advantage and hopped in my car to Dayton and fell in love with my practice all over again. This morning though, I'm having some guilt in deciding to go. My girls are home. I'm off. Their dad's hiking 300 miles. I'm off and they are home. Did I say that already? I don't care how old they are--I feel like I need to be with them. That's good and suffocating at the same time. I don't think I'm overbearing for them--I just want to available if they need me. Granted, the workshop this morning is short--2 hours, so I know it's all good--but still.
Then this evening I bellydance in town. My teachers having a hafla--and my girls will go with me. They are going to be in charge of the music. Oh well... life is just life. Sometimes they are busy, sometimes I am busy--and we all mash it up together and live.
Originally I had only planned to attend this mornings practice because of work yesterday, but as life has it I attended a funeral of my BFF's grandma. This left me open for the evening--so I took advantage and hopped in my car to Dayton and fell in love with my practice all over again. This morning though, I'm having some guilt in deciding to go. My girls are home. I'm off. Their dad's hiking 300 miles. I'm off and they are home. Did I say that already? I don't care how old they are--I feel like I need to be with them. That's good and suffocating at the same time. I don't think I'm overbearing for them--I just want to available if they need me. Granted, the workshop this morning is short--2 hours, so I know it's all good--but still.
Then this evening I bellydance in town. My teachers having a hafla--and my girls will go with me. They are going to be in charge of the music. Oh well... life is just life. Sometimes they are busy, sometimes I am busy--and we all mash it up together and live.